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How I was born: I was born on November 9, 1972, one almost in the winter in Brno. Besides, on 8th November, the weather was rather harsh. The strong northern wind was blowing, and the crowns of trees bent, and the first shimmering snowflakes floated in the air. It slowly dimmed. The day changed slowly in a dark, moonless night. My mother, Eva Pospíšilová, had no idea that she slept with my father, Frantisek Pospíšil, every day on his bed, ready to sleep. Sleep slowly came, and she began to fall into the realm of dreams. When she was disturbed, her violent labor pains. It was about an hour before. She immediately tried to wake my father. But he, lulled with blissful sleep, did not wake up when he got angry and rushed to my mom, why he was trying to keep him in the middle of the night. Everything was briefly explained. Father quickly got up, dressed up quickly, and was about to take a taxi to take my mother to the hospital.

      Our father ran out of the house where we were still dwelling properly, and stumbled across the excavations that Fügner's street was full of toward the telephone booth to call the taxi. The taxi driver arrived, both mounted and went to the hospital. The hospital on the Cereal Market, which is one of the squares in Brno, arrived at about three o'clock in the morning. Mothers took the necessary formalities immediately to the hospital staff and put her in the room where she was supposed to wait for her own birth.

      The delivery room was taken on the same day at 10.40 am. What was her surprise, but also horrified when the nursing staff were also outside the obstetrician and other staff attended by black nurses who were immediately investigating her. It was not a pleasant affair at all.

      Delivery was quite smooth. Though it was a risky pregnancy. Perhaps with only one exception. I guess I was a little too rushed to this world. In Mom's belly I was a little tight and so I drove too quickly out. Even though it was a seven-handed hand to capture me, I slipped them, fell to the ground and hit the head of the head properly. I still have a scar on this head as a reminder of this event. Fortunately, nothing happened to me. After treatment, washing, and after applying to my mother, I was removed and stored in the incubator.

      So I was born. He started to live and breathe in this world after twenty minutes of labor at 11.05 am, as I wrote on November 9, 1972.


My first days and years of life: A nice baby boy came to the world, as you can still see from photos. My only worry as it was in the newborn at that time was to sleep, to drink mother's milk, sometimes to cry a little and shout, just to make it clear that it was me who came to the world.


      After returning from the maternity hospital to the Black Fields, where my parents lived in the family home of my mother's parents, I was enthusiastically welcomed by the whole family, and I was stowed in a pram because we did not have a baby cot. They bought the parents a week later. I enjoyed the whole family very much. My grandmother was worried about my health, because I was very tiny. But I lived in peace and quiet. My life then went on as usual for babies. My mother, however, could not continue breastfeeding for health reasons. I had to drink Feminar and later Sunar. Even later, when I was able to eat a solid meal, she gave me crushed sponge dipped in orange juice. And so I slowly grew up in a cute baby.


      It has been several years. Due to the generational contradictions between my grandmother and my mom and because of the confined spaces in our family house (we had one room on the ground floor of the house), we moved to Chrlice in 1975, which is a village near Brno within reach of the municipal mass transport, where my father won a two-room apartment in a newly built housing estate. In order to gain, he had to commit himself to a ten-year work commitment at Prefa, which was located near Chrlic. That's how our family life began in Chrlice.

      I remember having spent the first child love with a girl of my age called Jindřiška Srncová. We still went together to drive our hands and I always demanded "still a rifle" for my farewell.



      My childhood was running out. I spent it in the games. I have lived with a happy childhood together with my parents. Parents, however, sometimes disturbed the family well-being with arguments and various unnecessary disagreements, but it was always settled and calm again. My mother has been with me until 1976. She joined the Agricultural Supply and Purchase Company this year. Because my father was also working, my mom had me enrolled in kindergarten. The first days at kindergarten for me were very painful. I could not get used to that sudden change. For the first time without a mother in a foreign children's team. I cried that my mom would not return, but soon I got used to joining the team. So I started attending kindergarten in the building of elementary school in Chrlice.

     I remember an unpleasant incident for me. One morning we went to the nursery with my mother. Mom hurried to the bus so she did not come late to work. The nursery was quite far from our residence. We had to go almost half of Chrlic. On the way, I was very interested in the big party. I tried to keep up. But the journey was too long. I could not stand it and dropped into my pants. When we went to kindergarten, my mum brought me to a washroom where she tried to wash me. That's what she did. But she left me in the sink and did not notice the boiling water dripping from the tap. Even though I did not pay attention to this fact, she was still wondering why I was screaming. She responded when my shout turned into a beast. Only then did I notice that I had a scuffle on my leg. She introduced me as a teacher. She cared for me. Then we said goodbye to my mom, I stayed in the nursery and my mother went to work.

      I went to this kindergarten for about a year. Already at the time I attended this kindergarten, a new kindergarten was built right in the housing estate in Chrlice opposite our panel house. I started to visit this kindergarten in 1977.


I remember another incident from my childhood when the kindergarten in Chrlice was being built. As young children, we and my buddies were doing pretty little trunks. One day we went to play a nursery building even though we knew it was not possible. At the call of one of my buddies, we climbed into a vat with lime and all of them sprinkled with cement. We looked like snowmen. After returning from home, my mom was completely afraid and almost did not recognize me. I was all white, including hair. She immediately sent me to the tub, where I had to scramble for mom moments for help.

    I still remember a painful incident for me. I got a new scooter. I do not know if it was for Christmas or birthday. It does not matter. At the settlement in Chrlice is the hill leading by asphalt road. Like little guys, we drove this hill at high speed without a bicycle or scooter brake. And so I went out one day on my scooter to take this hill. I climbed the hill in question, going up the hill. Everything went on normally, until a personal car broke up against me. I was afraid I would collide. I stepped sharply on the brake and slipped. I fell into the sand on the side of the road. He drenched his back. I had a hundred scraps on my back. When my mother saw it, she was afraid, and she did not know what to do with me immediately. Then the wounds flushed with water and picked out the tiny grains of sand that stuck in my wounds. Then she treated me well.

      I went to the new kindergarten for two years. After the holidays in 1979, I joined the first year of elementary school in Chrlice. That's one year later than usual. I remember matt as we and my mother went to the record. I was nervous and I did not really enjoy school. When we entered the class where the children were enrolled, I had a great deal of pain and I was afraid of the teacher. I did not speak very much and did not respond to the suggestions the teacher taught me about whether I am eligible for school.


But it was really just the big trick. In the first grade, we had a very good lady teacher. She was very nice to us. Unfortunately, I do not remember her in her name. You can see it in a group photo (see above). So he started my school life. Gradually, I learned how to read, write and count. It gave me a lot of work, like every first-person. My mom and sometimes my dad had to teach me at home. At first I syllabized individual words, practiced letter writing and taught basic numbers. As I wrote, my mother helped me with everything, patiently explaining and showing how to do everything. It was hard with me. I still did not understand a lot of things, and my mother did a lot of work than I did, but in the middle of the semester I had a great two and I was one of the first students in the class to start writing.

      My schooling then went on. I made my first holiday to my first pioneer camp. I did not like him very much. I did not know what awaits me there. When I arrived at the pioneer camp, I was crying and sad for my father and mother. My parents had to come to me. How I was glad to see them.

      During my second year of schooling, this incident happened to me. In the hour of gymnastics, we played the game "Fish Ryby". In this game, two teams run against each other. And so I ran as a member of one of the cooperatives against the other co-op, but inadvertently I pushed the foot of one of my teammates and flipped my head to the fish. The wound was so violent that I immediately fell into unconsciousness. When I woke up, all my classmates stood in the circle around me, including the teacher. My head hurt. Later, he nudged my nose and made a big bang with me. The teacher was afraid and did not even send me to the doctor. When my mother saw me coming back home, my mother was afraid. The next day I went to the Doctor. She found out after a tour that I was fine.

      I finished the second class with quite good luck. After the experiences of the previous year, I only spent holidays with my parents. I did not want to go to the pioneer camp.

      I went through the third class. Again, I had a pretty good deal. This time I went to the Copper camp. I do not remember where it was.

      The fourth class meant a break in my life. Not that something happened in my personal life. It was a breakthrough because our family remarked on my parents' divorce. I'm not going to tell the reasons for the divorce. Perhaps I can only say here that the parents have had long-term dissatisfaction with each other. The guilt was more to his father because he found another woman.

      After divorce, we had to move out of Chrlic. For some time, we were still living in an old flat, along with our father. Our father gave us a court testimony from the apartment, so my mother had to look for new replacement housing. With the help of the presidential office where she wrote and Mr. Rubeš from the housing department, who tried to help us indecently when his mother explained his situation, we acquired a new apartment in Brno - Židenice. It was a flat 1 + 1 in which we live so far. We moved to the new apartment after the necessary formalities were completed at the end of the holidays. I was at the Pioneer camp at the time, and I did not participate in my moving. After returning from the pioneer camp, I spent some time with my grandmother on Fügnerova Street in Brno - Black Fields and only then my mother brought me to a new apartment. After the holidays, I started attending a new school at Kuldova Street No. 38. I went here to visit the fifth class.

      This period was very difficult for me. I could not get used to the new situation in the family. I thought I would never see my dad again. My mother explained that I would see my dad every fortnight. Later, the visit interval changed to one month.

    At school I had to get used to the new team. I could not find new friends for a long time. Finally, I approached my classmate Ivo Přikryl, who lived on the ground floor of our house. We played football together in winter hockey, riding a bike, playing various children's games, etc. Finally I got used to the new situation and adapted.

      The sixth, seventh, and eighth classes took place without any special events. I went to school every day for the holidays I went to the pioneer camps. I've been alive all right.

      After the holidays in 1987, I was enrolled at the Secondary Vocational Training Center of the Military Buildings on Central Street 59, where I began to learn by a plumber for the First Brněnská strojírna. I remember when we and my mother went to the school for the first day. I was nervous and did not know what to expect. When we reached the school, we were introduced to the hall where the enrollment was made with the other future pupils.          UČNÁK.JPG

We stood in a queue to check on me and other prospective students by list. Then we were admitted into the hall where they told us the basic things about the course of the school and about the school order.

      The next day I went to the school alone on the first day of school. On the first day we haven't learned much yet, since it was dedicated to giving away textbooks and school supplies, etc. In the first year, there were 7 days of work week teaching and the remaining three days of the week were workshops.

      After a week of school we had our first workshops. These took place in a rented hall behind Avia Karoseria. We went to this company for lunch as well. We have learned the manual metalworking practice. We should have made the angle, including the degrees and the scale. Everything was done by hand using a file and hand punches. It was pretty hard work. Everything had to be absolutely accurate. Mainly scale and grade markings. The angle was not very good for me. I had a bent curve in the angle on the inside and the scale was bad, because it was wrong. When the punch hit the die, the angle jumped on the mat, so it was not possible to hit the scale accurately. Another product we should have done was a mason's hammer. That's better for me. Then we had to make other things, but I won't describe it anymore. After some time, he moved to the Military Buildings in Přízřenice on Vídeňská Street in Brno instead of practice. Here we were assigned to a new master. We have learned the basic plumbing skills, such as cutting pipes and threads for tubes of different diameters using a hand screw. Master was strict with us, but today I know it was good. At that time, the severity was quite unpleasant to me.

      In the second year we had six working days of school and four days of practice. We have already been working on buildings in Brno and later in Brno. The first building we went through was the military airport in Tuřany. We have installed a plumbing installation in a house of UNIMO cells. For Master, we had Mr. Hladík. This master was no longer so strict. At this site, we worked alone under the guidance of this master for about two to three months. After this time we moved to the building on Vychodilova street.

     We also worked here alone. We carried out all the wastes, connected the sanitary facilities and water distribution. We stayed on this building for about half a year.

      Another building we went through was the reconstruction of the barracks building on Staňkova Street. I didn't like this building very much. On the one hand, the work was physically strenuous here (we brought heavy cast-iron radiators up to the fifth floor here), but the work was common with a bunch of workers who were tough guys and only interested in it - booze and the other sex. But I had no choice but to endure. After the holidays we worked for about one month on this building.

      Then I went to the new master. The new master was named Mr. Šotolář. I started to work with it together with other apprentices who were assigned to reconstruct the water distribution system in UNIMO cells in the Slatina barracks. We spent about two months here.

     Another place where we worked was Za Lužánkami park. Here we were doing a new water distribution. We stayed here for about two months. I really liked it here. There was beautiful nature, relaxed work without stress, simply a good atmosphere.

      Then we started to ride together with a bunch from Brno water supply and sewerage systems. The work consisted mainly in carrying out new connections to the houses, removing faults in the water mains, etc. Later we were assigned to work at a mansion in Brno - Líšeň, where we introduced pressure water. That was our last job before the holidays.

      After the holidays I started my six-month practice in První Brněnská strojírna. I joined here with my classmate David Dimitrov, who, together with me, taught at Military Buildings for První brněnská strojírna.

      On the day we were supposed to board I. PBS, there was a meeting for apprentices at the main gate. Here, the chief master picked us up and led us to the main dining room, where the masters of the relevant operations for which we learned came to us. For us, with David Dimitrov and several other apprentices of other disciplines, came a nice middle-aged man. Later he introduced himself as Mr. Štefan. This master led us to the maintenance department where we were to spend the rest, half a year in apprenticeships, and possibly continue as ordinary workers after the apprenticeships.

      In the workshop I met my future collaborators, Mr. Mirek Kratochvíl, Libor Šebela and Mr. Lauf. The next day we started working. Maintenance work consisted in the repair and maintenance of toilets and other sanitary facilities and the reconstruction of water mains within the premises of I. PBS. Thus we repaired float valves, faucets, exchanged wiring in bathrooms and distribution channels, which passed under the whole area I. PBS.

      The half-year passed as the water approached the time of the final apprenticeship exams. The exams consisted of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part took place at the Military Buildings Training Center on the Central Street. We went to the practical part together with Master Hladík and a group of apprentices by train to a village. Unfortunately, I can't remember her name anymore. There was a military Praga V3s waiting for us, which took us near the village to the area of ​​PVOS, where we had to do the final exam. The test took place on the construction of a one-storey house. We were divided into working groups in pairs and each was given a task. With one of my classmates, I was given the task of making a Newodur pipe waste to several washbasins. The practical and theoretical part went well for me. I did the trials without any problems.

      Even when I was working in I. PBS, I started to study at the Secondary Technical School - Machine and Equipment Operation. The study was tied to the final apprenticeship exam because it was a two-year extension course, ie an extension of existing education. After two years I finished this study successfully with the school-leaving examination. It was not easy for me to go through this school, because I had to overwork the lessons I did not work for the first year and the consultations I attended from the salary (I went to them during working hours) for the second year. Evening after work I was still learning.

      After the apprenticeship examinations, I continued to work in I. PBS as a plumber. Unfortunately, after a year, together with all the scholars who joined me at the same time, he was dismissed for organizational reasons. It was then at the command of the CEO. Master Stefan was ordered to reduce the number of workers. So I had to look for a new job. I managed to get a new job in I. PBS in the electrical material warehouse. Here we were two. I worked here with Mrs. Alexandra. It was a warehouse worker's job, ie the receipt of goods, dispensing, stock records, storage of goods, stock-taking, etc. After a year I moved to the armature warehouse because one worker left for it and a quick replacement was required.

      In 1995 I got a better offer and started a new job with Zetor a.s. Here I worked as an independent technical worker. The work here consisted in recording tools and tools lent to companies that cooperated with a.s. Zetor. Another activity I did was to issue orders for the manufacture and renewal of tools at the tool shop (later Narzet a.s.) and at external companies. Part of the work was also the management of intermediate storage tools, common correspondence, work on PC, inventory, etc. I stayed for five years in the company. The last year was quite bad because Zetor was insolvent and stopped paying. And so I went home three times in a row. We continued to receive the payment irregularly and only in small amounts of approximately CZK 1500 - 2000. My mother was also unemployed. Savings ran out of time and we were in an unenviable situation.

 and practical parts. The theoretical part took place at the Military Buildings Training Center on the Central Street. We went to the practical part together with Master Hladík and a group of apprentices by train to a village. Unfortunately, I can't remember her name anymore. There was a military Praga V3s waiting for us, which took us near the village to the area of ​​PVOS, where we had to do the final exam. The test took place on the construction of a one-storey house. We were divided into working groups in pairs and each was given a task. With one of my classmates, I was given the task of making a Newodur pipe waste to several washbasins. The practical and theoretical part went well for me. I did the trials without any problems.

      Even when I was working in I. PBS, I started to study at the Secondary Technical School - Machine and Equipment Operation. The study was tied to the final apprenticeship exam because it was a two-year extension course, ie an extension of existing education. After two years I finished this study successfully with the school-leaving examination. It was not easy for me to go through this school, because I had to overwork the lessons I did not work for the first year and the consultations I attended from the salary (I went to them during working hours) for the second year. Evening after work I was still learning.

      After the apprenticeship examinations, I continued to work in I. PBS as a plumber. Unfortunately, after a year, together with all the scholars who joined me at the same time, he was dismissed for organizational reasons. It was then at the command of the CEO. Master Stefan was ordered to reduce the number of workers. So I had to look for a new job. I managed to get a new job in I. PBS in the electrical material warehouse. Here we were two. I worked here with Mrs. Alexandra. It was a warehouse worker's job, ie the receipt of goods, dispensing, stock records, storage of goods, stock-taking, etc. After a year I moved to the armature warehouse because one worker left for it and a quick replacement was required.

      In 1995 I got a better offer and started a new job to Zetor a.s. Here I worked as an independent technical worker. The work here consisted in recording tools and tools lent to companies that cooperated with a.s. Zetor. Another activity I did was to issue orders for the manufacture and renewal of tools at the tool shop (later Narzet a.s.) and at external companies. Part of the work was also the management of intermediate storage tools, common correspondence, work on PC, inventory, etc. I stayed for five years in the company. The last year was quite bad because Zetor was insolvent and stopped paying. And so I went home three times in a row. We continued to receive the payment irregularly and only in small amounts of approximately CZK 1500 - 2000. My mother was also unemployed. Savings ran out of time and we were in an unenviable situation.


Employment in a.s. I stopped Zetor because of no pay. So I found myself at the Labor Office and started looking for a new place. Finding a new place was not easy at all. It gave a lot of jogging, hunting, many interviews and competitions. Our financial situation was still bad. After six months, I managed to get a job as a plumber at Montexpo, which was located in Hall Z at the Brno Exhibition Center. It was the maintenance of social facilities and the connection of water and waste stands. Occasionally the introduction of water and waste at some building of a family house in the vicinity of Brno. Unfortunately, this place was only for a definite period of three months. I really liked the company. There was a family atmosphere and at the time when there was no work we could watch the video. Boys sometimes cooked something. We had, for example, potato pancakes, home-made egg cognac, etc. I also had a wage here that was 10,000 CZK net. This has helped us a lot in our difficult financial situation. Unfortunately, as I wrote above, after three months everything was over and I had to find a new place again.

      After six months I got a job with Carrefour s.r.o. Here I started working as a store worker in the frozen food sector. The work here consisted of replenishing the goods. All this at the R15 fresh food department.


I worked here for a total of four years, except for half a year when I was hospitalized with my mother because of health problems caused by our poor financial situation. Our situation was so bad that we almost lost an apartment (it was the police and the representatives of Bytasen, who reports our house). When visiting our apartment on a hospital pass, we found it officially sealed. Everything went well in the end. The mother received CZK 90,000 with retroactive repayment because she had a disability pension suspended (about 2 years). The social workers in the hospital helped us to arrange everything, so we could pay all the debts that arose from our difficult situation.

      After Carrefour, I worked for a short time in Spar's beverage department. I didn't like it here very much because the work was low paid and time consuming. After two months of work at Spar, I started to get sick because multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis) was detected. I was almost a year old for incompetence. After a year I got a full disability pension I have so far.

     My life went on quite well. Our difficult situation was resolved by getting both pensions with my mother. I retired more intensively in my retirement. I bought new Casio Wk-3000 keys and I started to learn them together with my teacher Giena Spacilova, who is very patient and nice, she can learn and mainly does not read every mistake, but she explains patiently. In the game I gradually improved. Now I'm so advanced.

     Furthermore, I started to deal with music. Two and a half years ago I started to study this field at Zbyněk Mrkos Primary Art School in Došlíková Street 48 in Brno-Juliánov, under the guidance of Mr. Mária Buzzi.

      13.6. 2013 I won the bronze band in III. category of composers competition, which took place in Hrádek nad Moravicí. From the middle of the school year 2014, a new teacher, called Mdr, teaches us at the Art School. Ondřej Jirásek PhDr.

      I still deal with other interests such as: creating this site, history, aviation, fitness, swimming, visiting concerts, etc.

      I also started attending a non-catechumenate community. The Neocatechumenate is a movement in the Catholic Church founded by Kiko Aurgüello. This movement originated in the sixties of the twentieth century in salt marshes around Madrid, in Spain, where Kiko decided to live among the poor when he saw their misery. He lived here in a primitive shelter like them. These people were very poor and were therefore forced to steal and pursue prostitution. And it was in this society that the first community was born when Kiko began telling them about God and playing Christian songs on the streets. Other people began to join him as the first community came into being. Their belief and lived together were so strong that when Carmen Hernandez, co-founder and initiator of the neocatechumenate journey, first saw them, she couldn't pray for herself a year.

     The neocatechumenate community is based on a tripod: God's word-liturgy-communion. The goal of the neokaetchumenate is to bring man to mature faith, to love one another and to experience the fellowship of other like-minded people.


Video of a meeting with Kiko Aurgüello, the founder of the neocatechumenate.



One of the Neocatechumenate songs we sing to a community whose autor is Kiko.


In Spain, the Neocatechumenate began to spread more around 1964 during the Second Vatican Consile. It was and is a spiritual renewal movement initiated by the Second Vatican Council. In Spain, this movement began to spread more when Archbishop J.E. Mons. Casimira Morcilla invited Kika and Carmen to evangelize in the parishes of Madrid. In this way, the Neocatechumenate was extended to Madrish parishes and then all over Spain. In 1968, the initiators were invited to Rome and settled in Borghetto Latino. With J.E. Cardinal Angel Dell'Aque's first catechesis in the parishes of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and of the Holy Canadian Martyrs. 45 years have passed since the first announcement and catechesis in these parishes. Since then, the neocatechumenate journey has begun to spread throughout the world.

     The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a short report that acknowledged the work and mission of the Neocatechumenate Path. In 2002, the Council for the Lay People approved the "Neocatechumenate Path" ad experimentum (so for a period of five years, with a subsequent reassessment). July 13, 2008, in the morning The Pontifical Council for the Laity published a decree approving the final status of the Neocatechumenate Path.

      The community gives me a lot. I knew true hope, love and faith there. Every week I can hear God's Word twice a week, which often encourages me and sometimes rebukes me. It is the true way for life and friendship with God and other people.

      In community, we all help each other when it is needed. There is a real friendship between us, even though minor problems sometimes occur, as in every human society.

        I have to say that there is one sad event in our family. 25.11. 2011, my father died of cancer at the age of 76 years. He died at LDN in Jindřichův Hradec. Three years before he moved from Šlapanice to Strmilov in South Bohemia where my half-brother bought a house for a mortgage.

      Now I am going to BD Tova to work in a disability pension to earn some money. And I can also say that I applied for my own flat and applied for the IN-JOY Contest Talent, which took place in November 2013 at the Brno Exhibition Center.

      On 4.8. 2014 I released music for audio books on CD in Albatros, which will complement the printed children's books called "Should the Dinosaurs of Fleas ?, and Why Does the Blackbird Have a Yellow Nose?". The Book "Did the Dinosaurs Have Fleas?" you can buy at the albatross eshop at:



I highly recommend buying these books for your offspring. The book "Why does the blackbird have a nose?" you can buy here:



      My employment at BD Tova is over. From 1.1. 2015 I received a one-bedroom apartment from the Statutory City of Brno or the Brno-Židenice district. The apartment is located near the Old Osada. So I'm very happy.

       About a year ago I also started to work as a volunteer and member of the "Taste to Help Humanitarian Aid" organization, which helps people affected by the war in Ukraine. If you would like to contribute any financial amount, or personally participate in some of our projects or bring some things to our material collections, visit our website http://www.chutpomahat.cz, where you can learn more about our projects, find out the number of our transparent account, etc. Any financial amount will help. Just 50 CZK. I know it's a drop in the sea, but when there are more drops, the whole ocean appears at once.

     Even if the media do not inform too much about the situation in Donbas, the war continues and people suffer, especially in winter, when temperatures often reach even -30 ° C. People have nothing to eat because ATMs do not work and the Ukrainian state does not send social benefits and pensions to these areas because they consider all the people living here to be terrorists and do not care about living normal people who have not been guilty of anything. There is no work and therefore people do not have the money. The worst are the old and impotent people who have no one to take care of and have no one to whom to escape to safer areas of Ukraine. Such people live here under direct fire, in front of which, when they can hide in the dungeons of their houses, they can often not go out very long.

       And we try to help such needy people. We carry them bread directly to the front lines. In winter, we made a stone for them in our workshop and installed them in apartments, repairing damaged houses. We imported 22 tons of flour to Ukraine, which we received from Penam. At the same time, we brought a roof criticism to cover the roofs of the damaged houses and brought many things from our material collections to Ukraine. At the same time, we organize volunteer assistance to help people on site. Therefore, if you are interested in helping or participating in the help directly, check out our above site for all necessary contacts.

      Just to clarify here mention that cooperation with the taste of help, I unfortunately have ended since the beginning of 2019. My cooperation with this organization lasted five years. Completion of cooperation has been on my side because of lack of time and not because the organization was somehow wrong. Who would like to help us and work with us as a volunteer or help us jakokoliv amount, certainly can. Aid on the spot and in the Czech Republic certainly is ongoing and purposeful, so help this organization certainly from my own experience I recommend. So that's all for now.


Video from Cafe Práh in Vaňkovka in Brno



At the end of 2017 I applied to Masaryk University in Brno for a degree in Musicology and after passing the reception exams before the summer holidays of 2018, I also started studying in September. Unfortunately, I did not finish the university because I have a lot of activities described here and I still have to go somewhere, maybe even the whole day when I leave at 7.00 am and come back at 9:30 pm There was not enough time and opportunity to learn for the exams, which took place in January 2019, for me for the above reason unsuccessfully and I was removed from the university, which is a shame, but I will study myself. I have all the study materials sent to us by the teachers downloaded from the school's information system, so it is no problem to study alone according to time and my possibilities, to have a time track that prevails during university preparation. So so.

Taste cooperation with help, I unfortunately ended. From mid-December 2019, I worked part-time in the company Workpoint, which manufactures equipment for the healthcare sector. I go there on Monday and Tuesday from 12.00 to 16.00. I earn about 3200 CZK per month. Both when. Based on the number of hours worked in the month. I am 90 CZK per hour + bonuses. The pension is a good extra income. It's not much money, but I was not quite enough, and get among the people. Man also pleased that some extra diligence and his own work. As it is written in the Bible. Who does not work shall not eat!

I have already received the results of the Opus Ignotum 2020 composition competition by email. Unfortunately, I did not place. It does not matter. The important thing is not to win, but to participate.

     So this is my current way of living - my resume. I hope you liked it. I'll update him regularly as the days of my life run. That's for now.












Jiří Pospíšil




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