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Mé skladby/en

My songs

 On this page I offer you to listen to several of my compositions.In the copyrights that I have on the compositions as the author who created them I am represented by OSA ( Protective Copyright Association - see www.osa.cz, where you can buy the compositions displayed on this site if you like them or want to use them for some commercial purposes) I would be happy if you wrote me your feedback, whether they are positive or negative. You can write to me HERE because I am interested in how you like my songs. If you would like me to write some lyrics for you, you can contact me at the above link "HERE".


    To play my songs just click on the link with the song title. To go back from the player to "My Songs" just click once on the back arrow in the web browser.


Finally, here is an excellent database program that you can use to keep track of your PDF and MP3 scores or other recordings. The program is freeware and therefore completely free to download and save on this website of mine: Gimidb1_5.zip


Sample songs:



Here you can listen to the compositions I composed for composition lessons at the ZUŠ Zbyněk Mrkos, Došlíkova 48 in Brno - Juliánov:


Here my songs that I created in Cubase DAW from the German firm Steinberg:


Here are some of my edits to the songs I edited in GarageBand, which is part of the MAC OS X installation:

I enclose here one song that I received as a contract from a sister from a neocatechumenate community where I am:


  • Crown to God's Mercy.mp3

  More new songs:



Overview of comments


(Daniela drábková, 2019-05-11 10:19)

Yeah it's cool when you have talents to compose music and some of the songs I liked more and less and no one was ugly thanks to the diversification of listening to music you are gifted and diversify the culture.

Re: Thanks

(Jiří Pospíšil, 2019-05-11 10:28)

Thank you for your compliments.






Jiří Pospíšil




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